Code Transactions and balancing items Total Goods and services (resources) Rest of the world Total economy NPISHs Households General government Financial corporations Non-financial corporations Non-sectorized Non-sectorized Non-financial corporations Financial corporations General government Households NPISHs Total economy Rest of the world Goods and services (uses) Total
S.1+S.2 S.2 S.1 S.15 S.14 S.13 S.12 S.11 S.1N S.1N S.11 S.12 S.13 S.14 S.15 S.1 S.2 S.1+S.2
I. Production account / External account of goods and services
P.7 Imports of goods and services 21,566,799 21,566,799 21,566,799 21,566,799
P.71 Imports of goods 18,360,723 18,360,723 18,360,723 18,360,723
P.72 Imports of services 3,206,076 3,206,076 3,206,076 3,206,076
P.6 Exports of goods and services 21,576,756 21,576,756 21,576,756 21,576,756
P.61 Exports of goods 18,034,545 18,034,545 18,034,545 18,034,545
P.62 Exports of services 3,542,211 3,542,211 3,542,211 3,542,211
P.1 Output 56,419,509 56,419,509 41,811,775 1,863,499 5,962,884 6,250,940 530,411 56,419,509 56,419,509
P.11 Market output 47,358,376 47,358,376 41,168,583 1,856,737 44,782 4,288,274 47,358,376 47,358,376
P.12 Output for own final use 2,707,658 2,707,658 643,192 6,762 84,611 1,962,666 10,427 2,707,658 2,707,658
P.13 Non-market output 6,353,475 6,353,475 5,833,491 519,984 6,353,475 6,353,475
P.2 Intermediate consumption 33,073,340 33,073,340 272,632 2,012,322 1,929,765 911,229 27,947,392 33,073,340 33,073,340
D.21–D.31 Taxes less subsidies on products 3,903,775 3,903,775 3,903,775 3,903,775 3,903,775
B.1g Value added, gross / GDPa 27,249,944 27,249,944 257,779 4,238,618 4,033,119 952,270 13,864,383 3,903,775
P.51c Consumption of fixed capital 4,410,949 4,410,949 64,109 812,174 944,275 83,677 2,506,714
B.1n Value added, net / NDP 22,838,995 22,838,995 193,670 3,426,444 3,088,844 868,593 11,357,669 3,903,775
B.11 External balance of goods and services -9,957 -9,957
II.1.1. Generation of income account
B.1g Value added, gross / GDPa 3,903,775 13,864,383 952,270 4,033,119 4,238,618 257,779 27,249,944 27,249,944
B.1n Value added, net / NDP 3,903,775 11,357,669 868,593 3,088,844 3,426,444 193,670 22,838,995 22,838,995
B.11 External balance of goods and services -9,957 -9,957
D.1 Compensation of employees 12,334,318 12,334,318 193,440 424,589 3,085,549 539,258 8,091,482
D.11 Wages and salaries 9,557,456 9,557,456 144,714 383,016 2,281,448 404,467 6,343,811
D.12 Employers' social contributions 2,776,862 2,776,862 48,726 41,573 804,101 134,791 1,747,671
D.2–D.3 Taxes less subsidies on production and imports 3,741,043 3,741,043 230 -116,341 0 13,346 -59,967 3,903,775
D.21 Taxes on products 4,033,333 4,033,333 4,033,333
D.29 Other taxes on production 238,638 238,638 230 18,158 0 13,346 206,904
D.31 Subsidies on products 129,558 129,558 129,558
D.39 Other subsidies on production 401,370 401,370 0 134,499 0 0 266,871
B.2g Operating surplus, gross 8,545,712 8,545,712 64,109 1,301,499 947,570 399,666 5,832,868 0
B.2n Operating surplus, net 4,413,642 4,413,642 0 768,204 3,295 315,989 3,326,154 0
B.3g Mixed income, gross 2,628,871 2,628,871 2,628,871
B.3n Mixed income, net 2,349,992 2,349,992 2,349,992
II.1.2. Allocation of primary income account
B.2g Operating surplus, gross 0 5,832,868 399,666 947,570 1,301,499 64,109 8,545,712 8,545,712
B.2n Operating surplus, net 0 3,326,154 315,989 3,295 768,204 0 4,413,642 4,413,642
B.3g Mixed income, gross 2,628,871 2,628,871 2,628,871
B.3n Mixed income, net 2,349,992 2,349,992 2,349,992
D.1 Compensation of employees 214,357 214,357 12,377,399 12,377,399 171,276 12,548,675
D.11 Wages and salaries 184,972 184,972 9,591,649 9,591,649 150,779 9,742,428
D.12 Employers' social contributions 29,385 29,385 2,785,750 2,785,750 20,497 2,806,247
D.2–D.3 Taxes less subsidies on production and imports 3,919,782 3,919,782 -178,739 3,741,043
D.21–D.31 Taxes less subsidies on products 3,892,882 3,892,882 10,893 3,903,775
D.29–D.39 Other taxes less subsidies on production 26,900 26,900 -189,632 -162,732
D.4 Property income 11,989,980 2,439,839 9,550,141 1,807 553,068 1,105,420 4,560,697 3,329,149 1,284,670 4,468,732 302,561 1,456,970 22,563 7,535,496 4,454,484 11,989,980
B.5g Balance of primary incomes, gross (National income, gross, GNI) 25,457,119 25,457,119 84,865 17,211,671 4,064,493 307,701 3,788,389 0
B.5n Balance of primary incomes, net (National income, net, NNI) 21,046,170 21,046,170 20,756 16,399,497 3,120,218 224,024 1,281,675 0
II.2. Secondary distribution of income account
B.5g Balance of primary incomes, gross (National income, gross, GNI) 0 3,788,389 307,701 4,064,493 17,211,671 84,865 25,457,119 25,457,119
B.5n Balance of primary incomes, net (National income, net, NNI) 0 1,281,675 224,024 3,120,218 16,399,497 20,756 21,046,170 21,046,170
D.5 Current taxes on income, wealth 2,840,229 11,227 2,829,002 2,130,177 112 95,160 603,553 2,792,991 2,792,991 47,238 2,840,229
D.61 Net social contributions 4,482,018 31,100 4,450,918 4,450,918 48,911 711,739 3,667,952 0 4,428,602 53,416 4,482,018
D.62 Social benefits other than social transfers in kind 4,435,812 12,506 4,423,306 15,587 4,215,263 141,306 51,150 4,426,076 4,426,076 9,736 4,435,812
D.7 Other current transfers 1,956,602 160,957 1,795,645 19,682 413,852 671,623 271,783 418,705 405,192 269,586 237,003 349,914 372,838 1,634,533 322,069 1,956,602
B.6g Disposable income, gross 25,240,450 25,240,450 422,434 14,992,714 5,875,441 780,777 3,169,084 0
B.6n Disposable income, net 20,829,501 20,829,501 358,325 14,180,540 4,931,166 697,100 662,370 0
II.3. Redistribution of income in kind account
B.6g Disposable income, gross 0 3,169,084 780,777 5,875,441 14,992,714 422,434 25,240,450 25,240,450
B.6n Disposable income, net 0 662,370 697,100 4,931,166 14,180,540 358,325 20,829,501 20,829,501
D.63 Social transfers in kind 3,274,186 3,274,186 390,915 2,883,271 3,274,186 3,274,186 3,274,186
B.7g Adjusted disposable income, gross 25,240,450 25,240,450 31,519 18,266,900 2,992,170 780,777 3,169,084 0
B.7n Adjusted disposable income, net 20,829,501 20,829,501 -32,590 17,454,726 2,047,895 697,100 662,370 0
II.4. Use of income account
B.6g Disposable income, gross 0 3,169,084 780,777 5,875,441 14,992,714 422,434 25,240,450 25,240,450
B.6n Disposable income, net 0 662,370 697,100 4,931,166 14,180,540 358,325 20,829,501 20,829,501
P.4 Actual final consumption 20,409,836 20,409,836 17,468,695 2,941,141 20,409,836 20,409,836
P.3 Final consumption expenditure 20,409,836 20,409,836 390,915 14,194,509 5,824,412 20,409,836 20,409,836
D.8 Adjustment for the change in pension entitlements 570,433 570,433 570,433 570,433 570,433 570,433
B.8g Saving, gross 4,830,614 4,830,614 31,519 1,368,638 51,029 210,344 3,169,084 0
B.8n Saving, net 419,665 419,665 -32,590 556,464 -893,246 126,667 662,370 0
B.12 Current external balance 1,999,537 1,999,537
III.1. Capital account
B.8g Saving, gross 0 3,169,084 210,344 51,029 1,368,638 31,519 4,830,614 4,830,614
B.8n Saving, net 0 662,370 126,667 -893,246 556,464 -32,590 419,665 419,665
B.12 Current external balance 1,999,537 1,999,537
P.51g Gross fixed capital formation 6,361,249 6,361,249 51,256 1,359,250 868,936 120,666 3,961,141 6,361,249 6,361,249
P.52 Changes in inventories 437,691 437,691 -2,614 27,209 413,096 437,691 437,691
P.53 Acquisitions less disposals of valuables 31,211 31,211 1 13,306 68 .. 17,836 31,211 31,211
P.51c Consumption of fixed capital -4,410,949 -4,410,949 -64,109 -812,174 -944,275 -83,677 -2,506,714
NP Acquisitions less disposals of non-produced assets 71,087 -71,087 4,357 -32,565 0 -42,758
D.9 Capital transfers, receivable (+) 355,544 13,105 171,453 124,703 49,760 714,565 6,269 720,834
D.9 Capital transfers, payable (–) 29,393 8,910 389,582 38,392 14,216 480,493 240,341 720,834
B.9 Net lending(+) / net borrowing(–)b 0 1,694,378 -1,694,378 15,806 80,650 -1,030,748 93,994 -854,080 0
III.2. Financial accountc
B.9 Net lending(+) / net borrowing(–) -1,324,404 -190,287 -963,393 359,137 21,758 -2,097,189 2,097,189 0


aThe sum of gross values added of all sectors plus the net taxes on products together corresponds to the gross value added of the total economy (GDP).
bConcept of net lending / net borrowing used by NBH is equal one used by HCSO.
cSource: National Bank of Hungary (NBH). Data of non-consolidated transaction including data of special purpose entities (SPEs). Data of Eximbank ZRT. are included in the General Government sector.