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Pressroom - News, events, 03.03.2009

Information on releasing data in publications According to NACE Rev. 2

In 2008, there was a change, in line with European Union laws*, in the Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community, with a shorter name NACE. This takes place, as usual, in every 5-10 years with the aim that the activity classification should accurately reflect technical developments and changes in the structure of economy. The new classification (NACE Rev 2) has a more detailed classification structure and significantly differs from the previous one (NACE Rev 1). The highest level of NACE, i.e. the content of sections has changed.

From 2009, we start to publish data collected in line with NACE Rev 2, except data on national accounts because those, up to 2010, should be published in line with NACE Rev 1. In the interest of comparability over time, data on certain time series should be calculated back in line with NACE Rev 2, but the length of the time series calculated back as well as their time of publication evolve differently in case of single fields of applied statistics.

According to NACE Rev 2, first communications are started with publishing in-year data in the frame of first releases, in-year stADAT tables as well as the dissemination database.
Owing to the character of our dissemination systems there is a different method on how to manage transition:

  1. First releases
    In each case the concerned first releases shall contain a notice, in which our clients will be informed that the first release already processes and analyses data collected in line with NACE Rev 2 as well as in the methodology additional useful information, on changes stemming from the NACE change, may be obtained.
  2. Dissemination database
    In the database, in line with the previous practice, the NACE Rev 1 standard data groups of homogeneous data groups affected by the NACE Rev 2 change will be closed and new homogeneous data groups will be launched. If data are calculated back, the respective homogeneous data groups, from year 1 of the time series calculated back, will be published with NACE Rev 2 standard contents.
  3. stADAT tables
    In the stADAT system, during the transitional one-year period, users can find tables according to both NACE Rev 1 and NACE Rev 2. Where the NACE Rev 2 change affects a side or a headline of a table, double publication is planned. In the transitional period the old table will remain, its title will contain NACE Rev 1; in case of annual tables the period open up to now in the title will be closed with 2008. The concerned tables will be published according to both NACE Rev 1 and Rev 2, the title indicating the relevant information. Following the transitional period, tables published in the old structure will be archived and only those will remain in the system, which are in accordance with the new content.
    Concerning the tables where the NACE change does not affect the structure of the current table but limits the comparability of data, with the insertion of a note describing the essence of the change, attention is drawn to this at the year of the change. Along with this, concerning data in the yearly block, limited comparability is also indicated with a separating line. Where a section was divided into more sections, new sections came into existence, or a change took place in the name of sections, stADAT was aligned with the new sections.

If you need additional information on data use and the NACE change, please contact our Information Service at any of our addresses:

HCSO Information Service
1024 Budapest, Fényes Elek u. 14-18.
Telephone: (06-1)-345-6789
Fax: (06-1)-345-6788
Opening hours: Monday to Thursday: 9:00 - 15:00 hours, Friday: 9:00 - 13:00 hours