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Information, communication

Info-communications statistics covers the field of usage of information and communication technologies, their impact on the society. Its three main areas are data on households, enterprises and the public sector. For instance, data regarding access and use of ICT equipment, ICT infrastructure, telecommunication networks, electronic communication, e-administration, e-commerce, broadband-spreading belong to this topics of this subject matter.

Key figures

Share of information, communication in gross value added

Indicator description

Share of the information, communication section in the gross value added of the national economy, calculated at current base price.
Source of data: Summary Tables (STADAT)
Last data for period: 2022

Number of mobile phone subscriptions per 100 inhabitants

Indicator description

Number of active, callable SIM cards on the last day of the given period per 100 inhabitants.
Source of data: Summary Tables (STADAT)
Last data for period: Q1 2024

Number of fixed broadband internet subscriptions per 1000 inhabitants

Indicator description

Number of fixed broadband internet subscriptions at the end of the given period per 1000 inhabitants.
Source of data: Summary Tables (STADAT)
Last data for period: 2023

Proportion of people using public administration portals for e-contact

Indicator description

Proportion of enterprises employing ICT specialists in enterprises using computers.
Source of data: Summary Tables (STADAT)
Last data for period: 2023


Related themes

Methodological information


Snapshots, 2023 – Digital society 19/07/2024
Hungary, 2023 27/06/2024
Statistical Pocketbook of Hungary, 2023 27/05/2024
Hungary, quarters 1-3 of 2023 – On the path of disinflation 10/01/2024
Regional Statistical Yearbook of Hungary, 2022 17/01/2024
Hungary, 1st semester of 2023 – disinflation started 19/10/2023
Statistical Yearbook of Hungary, 2022 23/11/2023
Hungary, 2023 Q1 30/08/2023
Statistical Pocketbook of Hungary, 2022 14/06/2023
Hungary, 2022 28/06/2023
Hungary in figures, 2022 11/07/2023
Hungary, Quarter 3 2022 06/02/2023
Regional Statistical Yearbook of Hungary, 2021 10/01/2023

Release and revision calendarPublication repertory

Summary tables (STADAT) ( infra-annual data annual data )

Latest update Next update

ICT usage by households Proportion of households, according to the type of internet connections 20/12/2023 19/12/2024 The proportion of internet users within the population, according to the time of the last usage 20/12/2023 19/12/2024 Distribution of internet usage frequency 20/12/2023 19/12/2024 The proportion of internet buyers, according the last date of buying 20/12/2023 19/12/2024 Use of e-government websites by level of usage of e-administration 20/12/2023 19/12/2024

ICT usage by public administration Services available on public authority websites 14/06/2024 14/06/2025 ICT usage by public authorities 14/06/2024 14/06/2025

ICT usage in enterprises Services provided on enterprises' websites 20/12/2023 19/12/2024 Enterprises using the Internet to interact with public authorities 20/12/2023 19/12/2024 Social media usage by enterprises using internet 20/12/2023 19/12/2024 Need for ICT specialists s and skills in enterprises using computers 20/12/2023 19/12/2024

International Fixed main telephone lines 02/10/2023 04/10/2024 The number of mobilephone subscription 02/10/2023 04/10/2024 Number of Internet fixed-broadband subscribers 02/10/2023 04/10/2024 Proportion of individuals using the Internet 02/10/2023 04/10/2024

Internet acces services, television service Number of fixed broadband Internet subscriptions by access services (quarterly data) 14/06/2024 13/09/2024 Data traffic via fixed Internet network (quarterly data) 14/06/2024 13/09/2024 Number of television service subscribers by subscriber packages (quarterly data) 14/06/2024 13/09/2024 Number of television service subscriptions and their proportion by type and signal transmission technologies (quarterly data) 14/06/2024 13/09/2024 Number of fixed TV subscriptions by county and region, 31 December 13/09/2023 13/09/2024 Number of fixed broadband internet subscriptions by type of connection by county and region, 31 December 13/09/2023 13/09/2024

Internet access services, television service Number of fixed broadband Internet subscriptions by access services, 31 December 14/06/2024 13/09/2024 Data traffic via fixed Internet network 14/06/2024 13/09/2024 Number of television service subscribers by subscriber packages, 31 December 14/06/2024 13/09/2024 Number of television service subscribers and its propotions by subscriber packages and fixed line signal transmission, 31 December 14/06/2024 13/09/2024

National Outgoing international phone calls 13/09/2022 Net fee receipts from fixed broadband internet access services 13/09/2022 Outgoing international phone calls (quarterly data) 13/09/2022 Netto revenue of fixed broadband Internet access services (quarterly data) 13/09/2022 Revenues from Telecommmunications 06/04/2021 Number of television service subscribers and its propotions by subscriber packages and fixed line signal transmission, 31 December 06/04/2021 Percentage of ICT usage in enterprises 06/04/2021 Type of internet connections in enterprises 06/04/2021 The purpose of internet usage 06/04/2021 Number of computers in enterprises 06/04/2021 ICT usage in households and by individuals 06/04/2021 Proportion of households, according to the type of internet connections 06/04/2021 Proportion of households, according to the type of internet connections 06/04/2021 The proportion of computer users, within the population, according to the time of the last usage 06/04/2021 Information related investments and expenditure in public administration, defense and compulsory social security section 06/04/2021 Computer stock in public administration, defense and compulsory social security section by type and function 06/04/2021

Regional Number of dwellings connected to cable tv network 14/06/2021 Fixed telephone services by type of subscription, 31 December 06/04/2021 Number of the conventional and ISDN lines at the end of the year 06/04/2021

Summary table Main indicators of information and communication 14/06/2024 13/09/2024 Net sales revenue from communications activity 14/06/2024 13/09/2024

Telecommunication Main data of telecommunication (fixed networks, mobile) 14/06/2024 13/09/2024 Telecommunication 14/06/2024 13/09/2024 Number of fixed lines by types and outgoing calls from fixed telephone networks 14/06/2024 13/09/2024 Number of mobile subscriptions and outgoing phone calls from mobile networks, mobile data traffic 14/06/2024 13/09/2024 Number of fixed lines and outgoing calls (quarterly data) 14/06/2024 13/09/2024 Number of connected subscriber lines by type of subscribers (quarterly data) 14/06/2024 13/09/2024 Number of mobile subscriptions and outgoing phone calls, mobile data traffic (quarterly data) 14/06/2024 13/09/2024 Fixed telephone services by type of subscription and county and region, 31 December 13/09/2023 13/09/2024

Dissemination database ( infra-annual data annual data )

Latest update Next update

Telecommunications (fixed and mobile) and broadcasting

The number and duration of outgoing calls from mobile networks 14/06/2024
The number and duration of outgoing calls from fixed networks 14/03/2024
The number and duration of outgoing calls from fixed networks 09/06/2017
Fixed telephony 15/09/2014

Internet services

Internet-subscribtions 03/06/2021

Information technology (IT) services

Number of employees 05/03/2013
Stock of computers 05/03/2013
Net return on sale of product and services 05/03/2013

ICT usage, e-commerce

Use of cloud computing and use of security tools in public administration; ICT training of employees in public administration; Use of an integrated management and administration system 14/06/2024
Social media usage and purpose of social media usage by public authorities 14/06/2024
ICT usage, and types of internet connections, and purpose of internet use in public administration 14/06/2024
Public authorities with a website; Services available on websites of public authorities; E-government services available on public administration websites 14/06/2024
ICT usage in enterprise according to regional breakdown 15/05/2024
Indicators of ICT usage in households and by individuals by region 31/01/2024
Indicators of ICT usage by individuals according to the highest educational qualification 31/01/2024
Indicators of ICT usage by individuals according to the age-group 31/01/2024
ICT usage in enterprise according to economic activity 31/01/2024
ICT usage in enterprise according to number of persons employed 31/01/2024

Data visualisations

Internet services, 1st quarter of 2024
Telecommunication, television services, 1st quarter of 2024
Statistical Yearbook of Hungary, 2022 – charts
Statistical Yearbook of Hungary, 2021 – charts
Interactive Mapping Application
Statistical Yearbook of Hungary, 2020 – charts
Internet usage in Hungary is expanding
Word internet day – 18 May
Virtual presence of households with children
16–29-year-old Hungarian young people in focus, 2018
World Wide Web in our daily life, Internet Day in Hungary, 18 May
Virtual presence
Online shopping