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The young and the elderly

The ageing of the Hungarian and European population, that is, the increase in the proportion of the elderly and the simultaneous decrease in the proportion of the young is a long-term process. During the change in the demographic makeup of society, we can observe differences in the living conditions of social groups of various ages, and the change in certain processes and phenomena (e.g. start of career, retirement) are connected to certain clearly delineable age groups. On this page we have collected contents by age group and about special age groups from various statistical domains.

Key figures

Ageing index

Indicator description

The number of elderly population aged 65 years and older per 100 individuals younger than 14 years old. If the score is more than 100, then the number of elderly population overpasses that of child-aged population.
Source of data: Summary Tables (STADAT)
Last data for period: 2024

Employment rate of the population aged 25–29

Indicator description

The share of employed persons aged 25–29 in the population of the same age.
Source of data: Summary Tables (STADAT)
Last data for period: Q4 2022

Relative poverty rate of the population aged 0–17

Indicator description

Proportion of persons aged 17 and under living in households with less than 60% of median equivalised income. Median equivalised income: after ranking the total population by OECD2 income per consumption unit, the income in the middle of the ranking is the median, i.e. exactly the same number of people have less or more income.
Source of data: Summary Tables (STADAT)
Last data for period: 2023

Average pension or benefit amount as a percentage of average net nominal earnings

Indicator description

Monthly average of pensions and other benefits paid by the Central Administration of National Pension Insurance as a percentage of average net earnings.
Source of data: Summary Tables (STADAT)
Last data for period: 2023


Related themes

Summary tables (STADAT) ( infra-annual data annual data )

Latest update Next update

Business units and non-profit organisations Distribution of startup founders and startup enterprises by main characteristics 09/08/2024 09/08/2025

Education Teachers in institutions for initial education and vocational education by tasks 23/08/2024 23/08/2025 Kindergarten children, students in full-time and part-time education, school-age population 23/08/2024 27/05/2025 Number and share of graduates in full-time and part-time education 23/08/2024 27/05/2025 Share of kindergarten children and participants in full-time education by county and region 23/08/2024 23/08/2025 Share of graduates in full-time education by county and region 23/08/2024 23/08/2025 Distribution of the 25–64 year-old population by school qualification 27/05/2024 25/10/2024 Participation rate of population aged 25–64 in formal and non formal education and training in the last 12 months by sex, age group, educational attainment level, labour status 31/10/2023 Adults' performance on PIAAC surveys, 2017 06/04/2021

Health care, accidents Certain diseases of people registered with the GP and home paediatric services 15/07/2024 15/07/2025 Self-perceived health by sex and age group 15/07/2024 15/07/2025 Suffer from any chronic (long-standing) illness or condition by sex and age group 15/07/2024 15/07/2025 Limitation in activities because of health problems by age group and sex 15/07/2024 15/07/2025 Number of active physicians by age group and sex 22/04/2024 22/04/2025 Number of active physicians by age group, sex, county and region 22/04/2024 22/04/2025 Persons with disability 15/12/2023 Types of disability corrected by data on functional difficulties, 2022 15/12/2023 Distribution of population by alcohol consumption patterns 06/04/2021 Distribution of population by nutrition based on body mass index 06/04/2021 Distribution of population by smoking habits 06/04/2021

Income and consumption Data of total households by age group and educational attainment of the reference person 22/10/2024 22/10/2025 Gross labour income per capita by age group and educational attainment of the reference person 22/10/2024 22/10/2025 Gross social and other income per capita by age group and educational attainment of the reference person 22/10/2024 22/10/2025 Gross and net income per capita by age group and educational attainment of the reference person 22/10/2024 22/10/2025 Necessary amount of net income on different subsistence level by age group and educational attainment of the reference person 22/10/2024 22/10/2025 Number of households and persons with or without children as well as one-person households 22/10/2024 22/10/2025 Labour income per capita of households with or without children as well as one-person households 22/10/2024 22/10/2025 Social and other income of households with or without children or single person 22/10/2024 22/10/2025 Gross and net income of households with or without children or single person 22/10/2024 22/10/2025 Necessary amount of net income on different subsistence level by households with or without dependent children, or single person 22/10/2024 22/10/2025 Number of households, characteristics of household members by their income-earning activities by the age group, educational attainment of the reference person and by the age structure of the members of the household 04/11/2022 Dwelling related data by the age group and educational attainment of the reference person and by the age structure of the members of the household 04/11/2022 Average yearly stock of consumer durables by age group and educational attainment of reference person and by age structure of household members 04/11/2022 Annual per capita expenditure by COICOP, age group and educational attainment of reference person and by age structure of household members 04/11/2022 Annual per capita quantity of food consumption by age group and educational attainment of reference person and by age structure of household members 04/11/2022 Number of households with and without children, one-person households, characteristics of the household members by their income-earning activities 04/11/2022 Data on housing by households with dependent children, without child and single person households 04/11/2022 Average yearly stock of consumer durables by households with dependent children, without child and single person households 04/11/2022 Annual per capita expenditure by COICOP in households with dependent children, without child and single person households 04/11/2022 Annual per capita quantity of food consumption by households with dependent children, without child and single person households 04/11/2022 Annual per capita expenditure of active, pensioner and other inactive households by COICOP and income quintiles 04/11/2022

Justice Registered perpetrators, perpetration incidents 03/04/2024 03/04/2025 Registered victims, victimisation incidents 03/04/2024 03/04/2025 Long time series of the main data of the judiciary 28/03/2024 04/11/2024 Registered perpetrators, perpetration incidents by county and region 28/03/2024 28/03/2025 Registered victims and victimisation incidents by county and region 28/03/2024 28/03/2025 Validly convicted persons 03/11/2023 04/11/2024

Labour Average gross earnings of full time employees by major demographic characteristics, quarterly cumulative data 26/08/2024 22/02/2025 Net average earnings without benefits of full time employees by major demographic characteristics, quarterly cumulative data 26/08/2024 22/02/2025 Economic activity of population by age-groups and sex, quarterly 16/08/2024 25/10/2024 Activity rate by age group and sex, quarterly 16/08/2024 25/10/2024 Changes in the employment rate of the population aged 15–64 26/07/2024 25/10/2024 Changes in the unemployment rate 26/07/2024 25/10/2024 Full-time employees average gross earnings by occupation 14/03/2024 14/03/2025 Employment rate of women aged 25–49 01/03/2024 25/10/2024 Proportion of non-employees within the employed population aged 15–64 01/03/2024 25/10/2024 Proportion of those becoming employed within those aged 15–64 not employed a year earlier (based on self-classification) 01/03/2024 25/10/2024 Proportion of 0–17 and 18–59 year olds living in jobless households 01/03/2024 25/10/2024 Average gross earnings of full time employees by major demographic characteristics 29/02/2024 28/02/2025 Net average earnings without benefits of full time employees by major demographic characteristics 29/02/2024 28/02/2025 Economic activity of population by age-groups and sex 23/02/2024 25/10/2024 Demographic characteristics of persons doing telework 23/02/2024 25/10/2024 Proportion of long-term unemployed among unemployed aged 15–64 23/02/2024 25/10/2024 Inactivity rate of aged 15–64 23/02/2024 25/10/2024 Average gross earnings of full time employees by major demographic characteristics 02/03/2023 Net average earnings without benefits of full time employees by major demographic characteristics 02/03/2023 Average gross earnings of full time employees by major demographic characteristics, quarterly cumulative data 23/02/2023 Net average earnings without benefits of full time employees by major demographic characteristics, quarterly cumulative data 23/02/2023 Full-time employees average gross earnings by occupation 16/03/2022

Living conditions People at risk of poverty or social exclusion by sex, age, educational attainment level, income quintile, most frequent activity status, household type (EU2030 target) 22/10/2024 22/10/2025 At-risk-of-poverty rate by poverty threshold by sex, age, educational attainment, income quintile, most frequent activity status, household type and dwelling tenure status 22/10/2024 22/10/2025 Severe material and social deprivation rate by sex, age, income quintiles and household type (EU2030 target) 22/10/2024 22/10/2025 People living in households with very low work intensity by sex, age, educational attainment level, income quintile, most frequent activity status, household type (0–64 years old) (EU2030 target) 22/10/2024 22/10/2025 Relative at risk of poverty gap by age and sex 22/10/2024 22/10/2025 Share of persons living in overcrowded dwelling by age 22/10/2024 22/10/2025 Life satisfaction by sex, age groups, educational attainment, income quintile, economic activity, household type and dwelling tenure status 22/10/2024 22/10/2025 Trust by sex, age groups, educational attainment, income quintile, economic activity, household type and dwelling tenure status 22/10/2024 22/10/2025 Sense of security by sex, age groups, educational attainment, income quintile, economic activity, household type and dwelling tenure status 22/10/2024 22/10/2025 Emotions by sex, age groups, educational attainment, income quintile, economic activity, household type and dwelling tenure status 06/11/2023 Social connections by sex, age groups, educational attainment, income quintile, economic activity, household type and dwelling tenure status 06/11/2023 Feeling useful by sex, age groups, educational attainment, income quintile, economic activity, household type and dwelling tenure status 11/08/2023 People at risk of poverty or social exclusion by sex, age, educational attainment level, income quintile, most frequent activity status, household type (EU2020 strategy) 04/11/2022 Severe material deprivation rate by sex, age, educational attainment level, income quintile, most frequent activity (EU2020 strategy) 04/11/2022 People living in households with very low work intensity by sex, age, educational attainment level, income quintile, most frequent activity status, household type (0–59 years old) (EU2020 strategy) 04/11/2022

Population and vital events Number of deaths by sex, age group, weekly (2015, 1st week–2024, 35th week) 27/09/2024 31/10/2024 Number and rate of deaths, infant mortality, life expectancy at birth, deaths by main causes of death 30/08/2024 28/03/2025 Registered partnerships 30/08/2024 28/03/2025 Main indicators of population and vital events 26/07/2024 26/01/2025 Live births by mother's and born infant's characteristics 15/07/2024 28/03/2025 Live births per one thousand females of corresponding age 15/07/2024 28/03/2025 Deaths per one thousand inhabitants of corresponding age by sex and age groups, average age at death 15/07/2024 28/03/2025 Induced abortions per one thousand females of corresponding age 15/07/2024 28/03/2025 Marriages per thousand non-married people of corresponding age and sex by age-group and sex 15/07/2024 28/03/2025 Divorces per thousand married people of corresponding age and sex by age-group and sex 15/07/2024 28/03/2025 Average life expectancy at birth, average age by sex, county and region 15/07/2024 28/06/2025 The number of population and average age by sex 28/06/2024 28/03/2025 Population by sex and age, 1st January 28/06/2024 28/06/2025 Age composition of population, dependency ratios, ageing index 28/06/2024 28/03/2025 Resident population by age-group, county and region, 1st January 28/06/2024 28/03/2025 Dependency ratios, ageing index by county and region, 1st January 28/06/2024 28/06/2025 Population by age groups, 2022 21/12/2023 20/12/2024

Science and technology Internal researchers in head count by age and sex 31/07/2024 31/07/2025 Number of scientific degree or title holders 31/07/2024 31/07/2025

Social care protection Basic social services and day care 12/07/2024 30/04/2025 Adoptions, adoptable children and adopters 10/07/2024 15/04/2025 Young people under child protection by age-groups 10/07/2024 06/03/2025 Basic welfare provision 22/05/2024 19/04/2025 Infant nurseries and out of school care 06/04/2021 Young people under child protection by age-groups 06/04/2021

Time use Daily average allocated time of the population aged 15–74 by age groups and sex 06/04/2021 Proportion of those carrying out activities by age groups and sex 06/04/2021 Allocated time of those carrying out activities by age groups and sex 06/04/2021

Dissemination database ( infra-annual data annual data )

Latest update Next update

Population estimation

Calculated population data by district 18/10/2024
Calculated population data by population size-group 18/10/2024
Calculated population data by settlement 18/10/2024
Calculated population data by county and legal status of settlement 18/10/2024
Calculated data of 15 year-old and older population by marital status 18/10/2024

Live birth

Data of live birth by district (2015) 18/10/2024
(data of) live births by settlement population size 18/10/2024
Live birth 18/10/2024


Perinatal infant deaths by district 18/10/2024
Perinatal death 18/10/2024
Perinatal death 18/10/2024
Infant deaths by district (2013) 18/10/2024
Infant death 18/10/2024
Infant death 18/10/2024
Deaths by district (2015) 18/10/2024
Death 18/10/2024
Death 18/10/2024


Marriage 18/10/2024
Marriage 18/10/2024
Number of marriages by district (2015) 18/10/2024


Divorce 18/10/2024
Divorce 18/10/2024
Number of divorces by district (2015) 18/10/2024

Foetal loss

Late foetal deaths by population size-group 18/10/2024
Late foetal deaths by county and legal status of settlement 18/10/2024
Data of early and medium term foetal deaths by district (2015) 18/10/2024
Early and midterm foetal deaths by population size-group 18/10/2024
Early and midterm foetal deaths by counties and legal status of settlement 18/10/2024
Induced abortions by population size-group 18/10/2024
Induced abortions by county and legal status of settlement 18/10/2024
Data of early and medium term foetal deaths by district (2015) 18/10/2024
Data of induced abortions by district 18/10/2024

Internal migration

Moving within districts of Budapest 31/07/2024
Data of mobility by rank of settlements 31/07/2024
Data of mobility by settlement population 31/07/2024
Data of migratory within territories 31/07/2024
Data of internal migration 31/07/2024 16/08/2024
Data of internal migration by rank of settlements 31/07/2024 16/08/2024
Data of internal migration by settlement population 31/07/2024 16/08/2024
Data of internal migration by regions 31/07/2024 16/08/2024

International migration

Migration of foreign citizens 15/07/2024
Persons naturalised in Hungary 15/07/2024

Labour force

Economic Activity of Population Aged 15-64 by Sex (Activity 21) 22/08/2024 15/11/2024
Economic Activity of Population Aged 15-64 by Aggregated Age-groups (Activity 21) 22/08/2024 15/11/2024
Employees Aged 15-74 by Age-groups (Activity 21, NACE Rev.2, HSCO-08) 22/08/2024 15/11/2024
Employees Aged 15-74 by Sex (Activity 21, NACE Rev.2, HSCO-08) 22/08/2024 15/11/2024
Employed Persons Aged 15-74 by Age-group (Activity 21, NACE Rev.2, HSCO-08) 22/08/2024 15/11/2024
Employed Persons Aged 15-74 by Sex (Activity 21, NACE Rev.2, HSCO 08) 22/08/2024 15/11/2024
Economically Active Persons Aged 15-74 by Age-group (Activity 21) 22/08/2024 15/11/2024
Economically Active Persons Aged 15-74 by Sex (Activity 21) 22/08/2024 15/11/2024
Economically Inactive Persons Aged 15-74 by Age-group (Activity 21) 22/08/2024 15/11/2024
Economically Inactive Persons Aged 15-74 by Sex (Activity 21) 22/08/2024 15/11/2024
Unemployed Persons Aged 15-74 by Age-groups (Activity 21, NACE Rev.2, HSCO-08) 22/08/2024 15/11/2024
Unemployed Persons Aged 15-74 by Sex (Activity 21, NACE Rev.2, HSCO-08) 22/08/2024 15/11/2024
Economic Activity of Population Aged 15-74 Sex (Activity 21) 22/08/2024 15/11/2024
Economic Activity of Population Aged 15-74 by Aggregated Age-groups (Activity 21) 22/08/2024 15/11/2024
Population Aged 15-89 by Economic Activity and Sex (Activity 21) 22/08/2024 15/11/2024
Employees Aged 15-74 by Industry (Activity 21, Economic activities by NACE Rev.2) 23/02/2024
Employed Persons aged 15-74 by Counties and Regions (Activity 21, Economic activities by NACE Rev.2) 23/02/2024
Employed Persons Aged 15-74 by Industry (Activity 21, Economic activities by NACE Rev.2) 23/02/2024
Economically Active Persons Aged 15-74 by Counties (Activity 21) 23/02/2024
Economic Activity Measures of Population Aged 15-74 by Counties (Activity 21) 23/02/2024

Formal education - initial education, vocational education

Number of children and students by age 18/10/2024

Formal education - tertiary education

Number of students by age 11/10/2024

Morbidity and accidents

Main diseases of adults 10/07/2024
Main diseases of children 10/07/2024

Primary health care

Number of Inhabitants Registered at General Practitioners 10/07/2024
Number of Children Registered at Family Paediatricians 07/03/2017 10/07/2024

Income, poverty

Poverty or social exclusion 17/11/2023 31/10/2024
Poverty or social exclusion 19/01/2022 31/10/2024

Child welfare provisions and child protection

Data on minors and young adults under professional child protection provision 10/09/2024
The number of persons appeared and received service at family and child welfare services and centers 28/06/2024

Book production

Juvenile and children's literary 23/04/2024 24/04/2024

Tourism demand

Travel activity 16/04/2024

Data visualisations

The interactive population pyramid of 130 years
Interactive population pyramid of Hungarian regions (NUTS2) and counties (NUTS3)
International Children’s Day, 26 May 2024
Key data on settlements – Census 2022
Census Maps