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Remote execution

Remote execution as a data access channel

Under remote execution conditions, the researcher sends syntax files and/or specifications to the Hungarian Central Statistical Office and the staff of the HCSO perform queries on the internal protected network of the HCSO typically on microdata sets. During remote execution the researcher has no access to the concerned microdata sets; he/she receives the research outputs after the transmission of the syntax files and/or specifications to the HCSO (and the following additional consultations, in necessary).

Who can use remote execution?

Remote execution is available only for scientific purposes and access is granted only for approved research projects that meet all researcher accreditation criteria.

Datasets in remote execution

Under remote execution conditions the research outputs are produced by using microdata sets available internally on the HCSO network. In addition to the datasets managed by the HCSO, external datasets might also be necessary to produce the requested research outputs thus both datasets managed by the HCSO and external datasets can be used in remote execution.

  • External datasets
    External datasets can also be used for producing research outputs, in addition to the datasets managed by the HCSO. These external datasets must be listed on the data request form for remote execution. External datasets not listed on the data request form cannot be used for the concerned research project.

Process of granting remote execution

  • Evaluation of remote execution requests
    Following the transmission of the data request form for remote execution, the HCSO carries out researcher accreditation. Following the accreditation procedure the HCSO evaluates the data request if it can be fulfilled both from professional and data protection point of view. Additional consultation with the researcher might also be necessary during the evaluation especially to finalise the names and other characteristics (e.g. type, length, etc.) of the variables used for the research. If such consultation is need the HCSO will contact the researcher.

  • Signing contract and confidentiality commitment
    Contract and confidentiality commitments are to be signed for data requests successfully approved after researcher accreditation and evaluation of the request form from professional and data protection point of view. The contract sets the rights and obligations of the entity requesting access and the HCSO within the frame of the concerned research project. Sample of the standard templates for the contract and the confidentiality commitment are available here:
    Sample of the contract
    Sample of the confidentiality commitment

  • Providing remote execution
    Following the signing of the contract and the confidentiality commitment, the HCSO provides the remote execution service according to the conditions specified in the contract.

Remote execution services available free of charge and for a fee

For the output checking of produced research outputs for datasets prepared based on specific data requests 60.000 HUF/day + VAT is to be paid.

Publicity of information on research projects

For approved research proposals for remote execution, the HCSO publishes the following information on each research project on its website:

  • topic of the research project
  • official full name of the Institution (in case of research with institutional background) or the name of the signatory (in case of research without institutional background)

Operation of the remote execution environment

Syntax files and/or specifications

The remote execution environment is based on the syntax files and/or specifications provided by the researcher. The HCSO produces the research outputs as indicated in the specifications therefore it is essential for the specifications to the accurate. Specifications are to be attached to the data request form for remote execution.

If available, the researcher can also transmit prepared syntax files to the HCSO. Such syntax files might speed up the successful remote execution processes. Test files provided by the HCSO might also provide additional support for the preparation of such syntax files. For more information, please visit menu item access to Public Use Files.

Output checking

The HCSO fully examines the research outputs produced in the remote execution environment, prior to their release to the researcher. The HCSO provides access to the researcher only for those research outputs that are checked and approved against statistical confidentiality. HCSO does not release research outputs without mandatory output checking procedure.

The purpose of the output checking procedure is to check the produced research outputs against disclosure; to ensure that the research outputs do not allow identification of and disclosure of information on statistical units.

Guideline for researchers

The HCSO provides a detailed guideline for researchers, covering the relevant technical and organisational aspects of the research carried out in safe environment (remote execution included). The guideline contains the rules of research with special attention given the rules of producing research outputs and the output checking procedure.

Guideline for researchers


Address: 1024 Budapest, Keleti Károly utca 5–7.

Telephone: (+36-1) 345-6789

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