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Tasks of the Internal Audit Section

Internal Audit Section:


Tasks of the Internal Audit Section:

1. performing within its assurance activities the tasks set out in the annual audit plan approved by the President, as well as extraordinarily ordained tasks;
2. carrying out assurance activities in the areas of compliance, financial, systems and performance audits and IT audits;
3. analysing, examining and evaluating the compliance of the establishment and operation of internal control systems with laws and regulations and the thrift, efficiency and effectiveness of their operation;
4. analysing and reviewing the management of available resources, the safeguarding and enhancement of assets, the adequacy of the accounts and the veracity of the accounts;
5. formulating findings, conclusions and recommendations in relation with the processes examined in order to eliminate, remove or reduce risks and deficiencies, prevent or detect irregularities, increasing the effectiveness of the HCSO's operations and improving and developing the internal control system;
6. performing advisory functions;
7. recording and following up on actions taken on the basis of internal audit reports;
8. keeping records of advisory activities and internal and external audits;
9. supervising the audit activities of the budgetary bodies under the control of the HCSO;
10.  coordinating audits within the chapter;
11.  carrying out the audits incorporated in the legislation on internal control and internal audit of budgetary bodies in relation with the operation of Statek Ltd;
12.  preparing the Internal Audit Manual;
13.  preparing the strategic control plan of the section;
14.  preparing the annual audit plan of the HCSO and ensuring that it is sent to the Minister responsible for public finances, together with the annual audit plans of the budgetary bodies under the control of the HCSO;
15.  preparing the annual audit report of the HCSO and ensuring that it is sent to the Minister responsible for public finances, together with the aggregated annual audit reports of the budgetary bodies under the control of the HCSO.