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Statistical Review (Statisztikai Szemle) – Publication ethics and malpractice statement

  1. Editorial Board
    Statisztikai Szemle has an editorial board whose members are recognized experts in the field. The full names and affiliations of the members are provided on the journal’s website. Contact information of the editorial office is also provided on the journal’s website.

  2. Authors and Authors’ responsibilities
    • No fees or charges are required for manuscript processing and/or publishing materials in the journal.
    • Authors are obliged to participate in the peer review process.
    • All authors have significantly contributed to the research.
    • All author(s) are obliged to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes where required.
    • References should be listed; financial support or funding support should be disclosed.
    • Authors are forbidden to publish same research in more than one journal.
  3. Peer-review process
    • All content of Statisztikai Szemle is subjected to double-blind peer review.
    • Peer review is defined as obtaining advice on individual manuscripts from reviewers that are expert in the field of the publication.
    • The peer-review process is clearly described on the journal’s website.
    • All judgments and findings in the peer-review process are objective.
    • Reviewers have no conflict of interest.
    • Reviewers are asked to point out relevant published work which is not yet cited in manuscripts.
    • Reviewed articles are treated confidentially prior to their publication.
  4. Publication ethics
    • The editors shall take reasonable steps to identify and prevent the publication of papers where research misconduct has occurred.
    • In no case shall the journal or its editors encourage such misconduct, or knowingly allow such misconduct to take place.
    • If the journal’s editors are made aware of any allegation of research misconduct, the publisher or editors shall deal with allegations appropriately.
    • Statisztikai Szemle will publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when needed, and maintains guidelines for retracting or correcting articles.
  5. Copyright and access
    • Copyright and licensing information is clearly described on the journal’s website.
    • Statisztikai Szemle is an open access journal, thus there are no subscriptions or pay-per-view fees. All individual articles are available to readers on the journal’s website (
  6. Archiving
    • Statisztikai Szemle has electronic backup and preservation of access to its content in the event it is no longer published. The journal is archived by the Hungarian Central Statistical Office in its digital archive.
  7. Ownership and management
    • Statisztikai Szemle is owned, managed and published by the Hungarian Central Statistical Office. This is clearly stated on the journal’s website (
    • The publisher shall not use an organizational name that would mislead potential authors and editors about the nature of the journal’s owner.
  8. Website
    Every effort is taken to ensure that the journal’s website ( including the text that it contains is maintained to the highest ethical and professional standards.

  9. Publishing schedule
    Statisztikai Szemle is published monthly (with 12 issues a year), which is clearly indicated on the journal’s website.

  10. Name of the journal
    Statisztikai Szemle is named uniquely in its field, and is not a name that could be easily confused with another journal or that might mislead potential authors and readers about its origin or association with other journals.